Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Penang Churches going Commercial....

I was having a conversation with my parents on this issue last Saturday after my mother got a sms asking here to read page 7 of the Sun newspaper. I told them that Anil would be the right person to lead those who are getting fed up with the churches turning commercial. I was right. Try this link

I'm an Assumption old boy... What is left of the great Assumption School is just a tombstone in Butterworth's Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church's compound. The land was sold together with the surrounding areas which were occupied by Kampung Serani residents to developers who built condominiums and cargo storage lots. I call this school great because it was one of the poorest schools that I knew. In the 80's Government aid was limited because the school belongs to the church. I don't remember the church helping us then. People used to say that Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil Mak Mandin was in dire need of aid and I remember collecting things like excess books, broken table and chairs from them so that our gardeners can repair them for us to use in our classes. Despite all that, this great school was able to produce top notch performance both in sports and academics. Thanks to some old boys who used to help us by donating some basic needs every now and then.

Currently Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Assumption is temporarily occupying a portion of Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Sungai Nyior's building.

It's so sad.......

I've been keeping this in my heart for a long time....